110 Munro Street
Babinda Qld 4861
Phone (07) 4067 6028
Email: babindabowls@gmail.com
Visiting bowlers and beginners are welcome to join us for a mixed social game on Wednesdays – Mufti dress (plain or ordinary dress). Wheelchair accessible.
Names in by 12:30pm for a 1:00pm start.
Phone: (07) 4067 6028
BAREFOOT BOWLS – every 2nd Friday of the month
Names to be in by 6:00pm. Burgers, hot chips for sale at 6:00pm.
Adults $10; children $5. Club bowls available for use.
A/C venue for hire with outside covered barbeque area.
(Phone Ron (07) 4067 2092 or Jim (07) 4067 6212)